Red Feet Wine Market
Just off route 13 at franklin st offers an excellent selection of wines and spirits with an exceptionally knowledgeable and friendly staff. northside liquors identified by giant "discount beverage center" letters in the shopping center at the intersection of elmira rd. and rte. 13., across from kmart. northside liquors has a very large selection of wines and liquors, with a rare wines room and probably the largest selection anywhere of upstate new york wines. if you go on a wine tour but in retrospect failed to buy your favorite wines, just go to northside liquors to pick them up instead of driving all the way back to the winery. smaller, but also with a nice selection of wines, is sparrow's wines at fulton and green streets and triphammer wines & spirits located in the triphammer mall off rte. 13.
The Chapter House
An ancient institution located on stewart avenue, near the cornell campus, the chapter house has a large selection of regional/microbrew/import beers on tap. located on stewart avenue, its situation between collegetown and downtown ithaca draws on a diverse spectrum of local crowds.
The Nines
Restaurant/bar in an old firehouse on college ave. outdoor seating, serves some of the best pizza in town. gets very crowded on big weekends homecoming, graduation and reunion but it's a great place to sit outdoors on a summer evening. music almost every night. expect long waits for the food, though.
Seneca Lake Wine Trail
(http://www.senecalakewine...) - association of 32 wineries surrounding seneca lake next finger lake to the west from cayuga.
Cayuga Lake Wine Trail
(http://www.cayugawinetrai...) - nestled in the heart of the finger lakes is the cayuga wine trail, a 16 winery member organization surrounding cayuga lake and offering a unique blend of fine wines.